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Before Your Surgery

Picture of a heart monitor machine in pre-op at the foot of the bed. There is a female Nurse in the background putting patient info into a computer and patient lying down next to the Nurse.
Picture of a heart monitor machine in pre-op at the foot of the bed. There is a female Nurse in the background putting patient info into a computer and patient lying down next to the Nurse.

Important Outpatient Surgery Reminders!!

1. It is very important the surgery department has your current and correct phone number to notify you in case of a change with your surgery time or any questions we may have.

2. If you normally take blood pressure, seizure, or heart medications in the morning, you need to take those with a sip of water as soon as you
get up the morning of the surgery.

3. Hold your diabetic medications since you will not be eating breakfast. If you do finger-sticks at home, do one before you leave home, write it down and bring that with you.

4. Take a shower or bath before coming to the hospital.

5. Do not wear jewelry, artificial fingernails or nail polish.

6. Wear loose comfortable clothing such as jogging pants and slip on shoes, if possible.

7. Bring a list of your current allergies.

8. Bring the medication bottles or containers of all the medicines you are currently taking, include over-the-counter medicine. Examples: Tylenol, Multivitamin or Aspirin.

9. Do not bring a large amount of money.

10. You will register at the desk by the emergency room "Admitting".

11. If you become sick or cannot keep your appointment, please call 270-965-5281 as soon as possible. Please try to be on time for your procedure and allow time for the registration process.

12. If you receive anesthesia you will need someone to drive you home.

THANK YOU for choosing Crittenden's Surgery Department
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