Dietary Services

Picture of the hospitals Cafeteria, serving line, salad bar
The Dietary Services department at CCH provides a defined range of nutritional care and quality services, which are available to support the therapeutic and administrative aspects of the dietetic needs of all patients. The purpose of the Dietary Services department is to furnish patients, staff, and guests with nourishing, appropriate, appetizing and attractive meals at a cost-effective price while maintaining the high quality standards of the organization. The department also provides refreshments for social and special occasions.
Cafeteria Hours
Weekdays Only
Patient care needs are identified through a nutritional screening process completed on admission through the nursing admission function. Specific scoring criteria and specified disease states are utilized to determine degree of nutritional risk. Patients identified as moderate-high nutritional risk are referred to the nutritionist. Care plans are then developed with specific goals and approaches.
Clinical nutrition services include the following:
Nutrition screening, assessments, interventions, and counseling
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Diabetes Self Management Education
Food/Drug Interaction Education
Nutritional care planning
Food and nutritional product preparation, distribution and administration
Monitoring of the patients' responses to their nutrition care
Outpatient medical nutrition therapy is available through physician referral. Appointments may be scheduled by calling (270) 965-1073.